P.J. Ministries (Pleasing Jesus) was established in 2012 with the goal of bringing the love of Jesus to homeless people in Santa Clara County, California by meeting as many of their needs as possible. Lynn Murphy and Annette Walls, motivated by their love and compassion for people who find themselves in these circumstances, were the driving force behind beginning the program. They were able to inspire other people of good will to support the program with gifts of supplies, time, food, shelter, etc. Through their combined efforts and through working with other organizations and programs many have been able to find permanent housing. Some have been able to enjoy hotel rooms during times of rain or while recovering from medical issues. Even more important, they have experienced compassion from caring people who are motivated only by their love for the homeless and for God. I believe in this program because it brings a ray of sunshine and offers a hand up to a segment of our society which is sometimes invisible and is oftentimes forgotten.-Sharon
PJ Ministries survives because of the dogged determination of Chaplain Lynn Murphy in partnership with Annette Walls. They have dedicated themselves to PJ Ministries for eight years. This ministry works with the homeless providing necessities to survive on the street such as sleeping bags, back packs, clothing, food. Shelter, in the form of temporary motel rooms to permanent trailer homes and apartments, has been arranged. Lynn even opened her home to two people at their desperate time of need. In all their efforts, Jesus is foremost in their hearts and they share this with the people they encounter. With the Lord’s guidance, some of the homeless have visited the church and gone on to attend service and explore bible study. Despite the challenges of 2020, with the Lord at their side, Lynn and Annette are loving warriors and champions of the less fortunate. God bless Lynn and Annette. You may use my name.-Debbie
Pleasing Jesus Ministry is a robust, hands-on grass roots organization. It's accomplishments are remarkable as it fulfills its mission to reach out to the homeless. Bringing food, clothing and much needed supplies to homeless encampments, the ministry also provides temporary housing for medical needs. Some of the past activities include holiday parties for the homeless, helping people to move when they find a place to live, accompanying people to the hospital and advocacy. I have been so impressed with their work that I nominated them to receive a grant from another homeless organization. I believe in this ministry and encourage everyone to consider all that they have done.-Susan Dunbar
PJ Ministry goes directly to the people in need. Clothing, food, other necessities of daily living goes to the homeless. A Bible with the love of Christ, given freely. The PJ Ministry team is fearlessly going among the in our society that most of us shy away from. I believe that God has blessed this ministry with compassion beyond measure and that is why I am supporting it, through prayer and financially as much as I can. Thank you.-Leslie
Would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to PJ Ministry. When my family had nothing, they were there for us. They helped us with emergency housing as well as long term. I truly believe that what they do is so important. They touched our lives and I know they have touched so many others. Thank you-Andy